SRM3333 (MSc) & SRD4444 (PhD)

This required course involves attendance, presentation, and chairing seminars within the Clinical, Social and Administrative Pharmaceutical (CSAP) sciences. The course serves as a platform for the dissemination and discussion of current research underway by graduate students in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


  • Promote awareness and understanding of the work undertaken by different research groups within the Clinical, Social and Administrative Pharmaceutical (CSAP) sciences
  • Provide opportunity for interaction and collaboration among graduate students and faculty members
  • Provide students with an opportunity to organize and present their research, enhance oral communication skills, develop their ability to defend their ideas in a public forum; and the opportunity to give and receive feedback.
  • Provide students the opportunity to act as the Chair of the session, gain experience introducing a speaker and moderating the question period.

Student Seminar Presentation Format:

  • Each student will be allotted a maximum of 30 minutes*
  • Presentation: 18 to 20** min, timed by the chair
  • Questions and discussion: ~10 minutes

*presentations should be well rehearsed and timed within the maximum time allotted, and that chairs and presenters test slides prior to the beginning of each seminar
**Students in their first year may present 10 min seminars.

Details on the format and responsibilities of student presenters and student chairs can be found below

Seminar Detail