Maria Zhang is an Advanced Practice Clinical Leader and Clinician Educator jointly at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. Maria completed her graduate work at CAMH through the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Collaborative Program in Addiction Studies at U of T. The focus of her research and her teaching is substance use disorders, with a specialization in problematic prescription drug use. She is also interested in knowledge translation and supporting the continuing professional development of health care practitioners.
Selected Publications
Murphy L, Babaei-Rad R, Buna D, Isaac P, Murphy A, Ng K, Regier L, Steenhoff N, Zhang M, Sproule B. Guidance on opioid tapering in the context of chronic pain: Evidence, practical advice and frequently asked questions. Canadian Pharmacists Journal : CPJ. 2018;151(2):114-120.
Bucago C, Cheung H, and Zhang M. Suicide Risk Assessment and the Role of the Community Pharmacist. Ontario College of Pharmacists. Pharmacy Connection. Fall 2019. Accessible via https://pharmacyconnection.ca/suicide-risk-assessment-and-the-role-of-the-community-pharmacist-fall-2019/.
Chandrakumar S, Warnock C, Powell V, and Zhang M. 5 Things You Should Know about Clozapine. Ontario College of Pharmacists. Pharmacy Connection. Spring 2018. Volume 25 Number 2. Accessible via http://www.ocpinfo.com/library/pharmacy-connection/download/ocp_pharmacyconnection_spring2018.pdf
Zhang M, and Sproule B. Naloxone: 5 Things Pharmacists Need to Know. Ontario College of Pharmacists. Pharmacy Connection. Winter 2017. Volume 24 Number 1. Accessible via http://www.ocpinfo.com/library/pharmacy- connection/download/OCP_PharmacyConnection_Winter2017_Naloxone.pdf