Photo fo Naloxone Kit

Photo by Steve Russell via Getty Images

A fast-acting and potentially life-saving medication, naloxone can be used to counter the effects of an opioid overdose the moment it is occurring. Much like an EpiPen is used to treat anaphylaxis, naloxone can be used by anyone with access to a kit and proper training.   

Based at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, the Discovery Pharmacy is now piloting naloxone training for select offices and programs at the University.

“Providing naloxone kits and training is one way to help support the safety of our community and to help combat the effects of the ongoing opioid crisis”

“Providing naloxone kits and training is one way to help support the safety of our community and to help combat the effects of the ongoing opioid crisis,” said Jonathan Nhan, Interim Pharmacist Lead, Discovery Pharmacy.  

In 2016, in response to the growing opioid crisis, naloxone kits became available without the need for a prescription nationally and free of charge in Ontario through the Ontario Naloxone Program and the Ontario Naloxone Program for Pharmacists. Since then, pharmacists have played a key role in dispensing take-home naloxone kits, a service that is coupled with one-on-one training and harm reduction counselling.

Portrait of Maria Zhang
Maria Zhang, Clinician Educator at CAMH and the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Maria Zhang, Clinician Educator at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, has been working alongside Nhan to develop the Discovery Pharmacy naloxone program. The team of pharmacists and pharmacy students will be using resources originally developed by CAMH to deliver training at both the individual and group levels.

“We want to reduce the harms associated with drug use,” said Zhang pointing out that many people can be exposed to opioids through different means. “Opioid poisoning can result from prescription opioid use as well as from taking recreational drugs that contain opioids known or unknown to the person taking them.”  

Destigmatizing drug use will improve safety on campus

Both Zhang and Nhan emphasize that maintaining individual privacy and reducing stigma associated with drug use are key to improving access to life-saving interventions. People interested in the take-home kit program are not required to show a health card and the one-on-one training can be done either in person or through virtual appointments. “Even if someone is interested in just learning more about the take-home kits, they can reach us at Discovery Pharmacy to ask questions,” said Nhan.

Stigma surrounding drug use can be a barrier to people accessing tools like naloxone – an issue the group training sessions aim to address. 

COVID-19 pandemic worsens the opioid crises in Ontario

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the opioid crisis. A September 2021 report from Ontario’s COVID-19 science advisory table outlined opioid overdose deaths increased by 60 per cent since the pandemic started in March 2020. Several subpopulations including men and individuals aged 20-49 are disproportionally impacted, reflecting a potential increased risk for university-aged students.   

“We know that drug use can happen... and in isolation now more than ever. We want to contribute to the solutions addressing the opioid crisis with this service," said Zhang. Part of the harm reduction counselling provided with the kits includes advising people not to lock doors in case of an emergency, to not mix substances, and to use with others where possible.

Discovery Pharmacy approach combines care, education, and research

In addition to the direct care delivery of providing naloxone kits and training, the Discovery Pharmacy program layers in the interprofessional education of healthcare students, research, and quality improvement.

“As an accredited pharmacy embedded in the U of T ecosystem, we aim to advance pharmacy practice and offer interprofessional care to our community,” said Zhang. “We also plan to interlay research and education and collaborate with other disciplines to see how we can better deliver our naloxone training, reach more people, and destigmatize substance use so that those who require help don’t hesitate in getting it.”  

Portrait of Sarah Ibrahim, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Sarah Ibrahim, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Students and faculty from the Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing will also play an active role in naloxone training and education through the Discovery Pharmacy. This provides a tangible opportunity for students to develop skills in interprofessional practice.

“The more our students have the opportunity to gain interprofessional experience, the better equipped they will be once they are ready to enter practice.”  

“For the most part, students across our health faculties learn within their respective fields. We talk about interprofessional practice in theory but often the first time a nursing student is exposed to it is when they are in hospital on clinical rotation,” said Sarah Ibrahim, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. “The more our students have the opportunity to gain interprofessional experience, the better equipped they will be once they are ready to enter practice.”  

Nursing students will take initial training alongside pharmacy students and then will be paired up to provide peer-to-peer training. “This is a great way for students to come together to build that interprofessional partnership and rapport and carry this over as healthcare providers,” said Ibrahim who also points out the need for healthcare students to learn about harm reduction and the negative impact of stigma. “Stigma of drug use is a barrier for people accessing care and if, as a healthcare provider, you don’t have the skills to provide care in this context, that’s also a barrier.”

Learn more about services offered at the Discovery Pharmacy

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